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Quantum Martial Arts is a not for profit school, part of the non profit Martial Arts in the Public Interest group. All of our teachers are volunteers. All of our gear, scholarships, and work spaces are possible only because of donations from members and partners. We work hard to create a space in which we want to train. We don’t have a janitor or a hired marketing specialist or an IT director or a carpenter. We do have our members and partners, and we can not thank them enough for all the sweat and effort they put into their dojo.

Become a Member

Want to be a part of this great community? We hope you’ll join us in building our school and our strong bodies. To learn more about membership, please visit our Membership Page. To contact us with questions, send us an email or stop by.

Sign up you or your child for an orientation.

Donate or Volunteer

Interested in what we do and want to help out? You can find plenty of opportunities to volunteer with us (go to our events page to find out what we’re up to), or you can donate here. Every $75 buys two kids uniforms for our outreach programs. $150 buys colored belts for one session at Lake Washington Girls Middle School. $500 provides a new uniform and a year of classes for a child on scholarship at our dojo. These are the real effects of your generosity.