Red Belt

The color red has multiple meanings. It is the color the sun, which watches over the entire Earth. Fire is the focus element at Red Belt, as students begin to learn and define speed, potential energy, the electricity in motion, and redirection. This color also means danger or warning, someone to watch out. At the level of Red Belt, students truly step in to the role of teacher and begin to understand what it is to teach martial arts.

Red Belt Curriculum (2nd Gup)

Red Belt Techniques

One hundred classroom hours are required before testing. Also, all Red Belts will have a minimum teaching requirement.


  • Spin Twist
  • Jump Twist
  • Jump-Spin Twist
  • Jump Rear Leg Double Side
  • Flying Side, Spin Side
  • Rolling – Front, Round and Side
  • Rising Hook
  • Inside Snapping Side


  • Thumb Strike
  • C-Punch
  • Back Hand
  • Tiger Mouth
  • One Finger Strike
  • Two Finger Strike


  • Mountain


Chi Sau

Red Belt One Steps


Attacker: Lunge Punch to the face.
Defender: Trap , lead with right hand to a twin trap. Follow up with a left horizontal knee strike to the ribs. Step down and apply pressure with the right instep to the attacker’s right knee to a take down. Follow with an axe kick.


Defender: Left palm block (O-I), then step through with the right foot 45 to the right. Simultaneously thrust your right hand straight through in front of attacker’s neck and push on their right shoulder to spin them around into a choke hold. Follow with a neck break.


Defender: Execute a twin trap (pushing down) circling back around to a twin eardrum pop as you step back to a pseudo back stance. Step up with the left foot to an X – stance, execute a right elbow to the face. Spin around counter clockwise 180 to another X- stance and execute a left elbow strike to the ribs. Continue rotating another 90 and execute a right dropping ridge hand to the back of the neck.Grab the back of the head with both hands and step back with the left foot to an extra deep back stance and scoop attacker to the ground.

Red Belt Form


Start from closed ready stance B.

  1. Shift the balance to the left foot and step forward to assume a chi sau stance while executing a traditional bon sau/fuk sau position,
  2. Slightly shift your weight back to the left foot while rolling up into a taun sau.
  3. Maintain your focus and redirect underneath while moving the left foot into a cat stance 90 degrees to the left, executing a reinforced back fist to the bridge of the nose. (lap sau)
  4. Turn your attention 90 degrees to the left and execute a knife hand square block.
  5. Leaving the right hand where it is, execute a scoop rising palm block with the left hand.
  6. Immediately followed by front leg front snap kick to the chin.
  7. Step down into a front stance 45 degrees off center (feet on line 90 to the left) while turning your attention 90 to the right and execute a scooping ridge hand middle block.
  8. Rechamber the right arm, reverse spear hand to the throat
  9. Shifting your stance 135 degrees to the right, execute a reverse upset ridge hand strike to the temple.
  10. Reverse knife hand down block.
  11. Keeping your attention in the same direction, bring the left foot to the right foot and execute a right double finger strike to the eyes (protected).
  12. Step forward with the left foot into an X stance, reverse protected upset ridge hand strike to the temple.
  13. Transfer all of your weight to the left foot. Maintaining your focus, step forward and pivot 225 degrees to the left to a front stance (feet on line). Simultaneously execute a right knife hand down block over the right leg and left upset ridge hand strike to the temple (180 from the down block).
  14. Transfer your weight to the right foot execute a left wave kick. Step forward to an X stance executing a right descending knife hand strike to the neck.
  15. Redirect attacker from the head and roll them into a target hammer fist while stepping into a horse stance.
  16. Pivot 45 to the left, dropping to the right knee. Execute a reverse tiger mouth, protected.
  17. Hold on to throat and pull back into a back fist.
  18. Turn you attention 180 degrees to your left, place both palms on the ground and execute a left side kick.
  19. As you rechamber, execute a hard roll over the right shoulder.
  20. As you stand up, execute a left side kick and step forward while pivoting 180 degrees to the right into a back stance. Turn your attention 90 degrees to the left and execute a high palm strike.
  21. Reach out and grab you opponent’s left shoulder with your left hand and execute a right tan sau to your attacker’s head while pulling their shoulder into your center line. Your attacker is now facing 90 degres to the left
  22. Roll both arms from the shoulder 270 degrees clockwise. Let go of attacker’s shoulder and allow the right hand to slip off from behind the attacker’s neck. continue that motion all the way around turning into a horse stance, pop the ear drums.
  23. Shift the balance to the right foot and turn your attention 90 to the right. Crating dynamic tension, bring both hands to your center line in an inverted prayer position. Slide the left foot behind the right knee (crane stance), right lifting wrist strike and left palm block (O-I).
  24. Step forward to a cat stance, twin ridge hand middle blocks
  25. Right vertical punch and left palm block (O-I)
  26. Roll the left hand up to tan sau.
  27. Roll right hand down to an inverted palm block (I-O).
  28. Turn your attention 180 to the right. Shift the left foot and pivot your body 90 degrees to the left to an X stance. Bring both hands together and create dynamic tension, this time in a prayer position.
  29. Shift the left foot again while moving the right foot behind the knee to a crane stance; execute a left lifting wrist strike and right palm block (O-I).
  30. Step forward to a cat stance and execute twin ridge hand middle blocks.
  31. Left straight punch, right palm block (O-I).
  32. Roll your right hand up to tan sau.
  33. Roll left hand down to an inverted palm block (I-O).
  34. Leading with a 180 clockwise roll of the arms, execute a crescent kick.
  35. Quickly execute a turn side kick. After rechambering, turn your attention 180 to the left and assume a crane stance, high knife hand X-block.
  36. Step backwards with the right foot to an extra deep back stance. Simultaneously roll your hands over into a low knife hand X-block, trapping attacker’s arm.
  37. Immediately scoop up your right hand to your hip while stepping forward and executing a left clearing block; assume an extra deep front stance with a single vertical punch. KIHAP.
  38. Turn your attention 225 to the left. Pull the left foot back to a cat stance. Simultaneously execute an inverted palm block (I-O, low) with a reverse palm block (O-I, high).
  39. Bring left hand around to a protected upset ridge hand
  40. Drop both hands slightly and execute twin crane blocks.
  41. Trapping with both hands, lift right elbow up to parallel with the left forearm.
  42. Push left foot forward to an X-stance; then execute a reverse horizontal wrist strike to the temple but continue to trap with the left crane block.
  43. Maintaining the trap with the left crane block, execute a right twist kick to the knee, step forward fighting stance.
  44. Immediately shift the balance to the right foot. Bring the left foot up to a wave stop and simultaneously execute a twin palm wedging block.
  45. Push right hand down along with attacker’s arm to trap from above with your fingers (simulate three points on the button while palming the back of the hand). Turn around180 degrees as you do this, stepping with the left foot to a reverse front stance.
  46. As your foot hits the ground, maintain the trap with the right hand and slide your left elbow into your attacker’s solar plexus.
  47. Shift the balance to the right foot and slide the left back to a cat stance. Execute a left knife hand rising X block.
  48. Keeping the right hand in contact with the attacker’s arm, drop the left hand arm down to circle around 360 degrees clockwise to trap the attacker’s arm.
  49. Pivoting 360 degrees to the right while shifting your weight to the left foot, assume a reverse X stance. Maintain the trap on the attacker’s arm and execute a right horizontal wrist strike.
  50. Pivot back 360 degrees to the left and assume a fighting stance. Execute a reverse palm heel strike to the upper lip. Do not rechamber your hips.
  51. Turn your attention 90 degrees to the right. Reach the right hand out to make contact with the inside of an attacker’s elbow; step forward with the right foot to an X stance and circle through the wrist clockwise and slip down to the attacker’s wrist.
  52. Keep hold of attacker’s arm and execute an outside crescent kick; follow the crescent kick with the left hand to grab back of attacker’s head and let go of their arm. Step down 45 degrees to the right into a parallel stance.
  53. Right targeted dragon snap to the head; touch your foot down briefly and pop up with both legs tucked, spinning counterclockwise and landing in a horse stance. Execute a right palm strike straight down (hit the ground) KIHAP!
  54. Reach out with the left hand 90 degrees to the left; make contact with the outside of the elbow; slip down to the wrist as you make contact with the right hand on the outside of the elbow; simultaneously cross the right foot over the left to an X stance.
  55. Swing the left arm around to capture attacker’s head (keep hold of the arm with the right hand). Execute a left crescent kick over the top of attacker’s arm; pivot 180 degrees and step down to a parallel stance; also switch attacker’s arm to be trapped with the left hand.
  56. Lift the right knee up high and fall backwards, break falling with the right hand (breaking attacker’s arm).
  57. Leading with the left foot, stand up and execute a tornado kick. Allow your body to rotate past your target (finish the technique) step forward to a walking fighting stance knife hand down block, reverse knife hand strike to the neck (O-I).
  58. Roll the left hand counterclockwise to trap behind the knee. Step backwards with the left foot to a back stance while bringing the right hand to a horizontal wrist strike to the throat.
  59. Roll the right hand counterclockwise behind attacker’s head; sweep both hands to your left knee while stepping with the left foot to an extra deep back stance.
  60. Bring the left foot up to a fighting stance and execute a right 45 degree dropping upset ridge hand.
  61. Get up on the toe of the left foot and execute a left dropping ridge hand.
  62. Execute a left upset dropping ridge hand – keep your hand on the side of their head.
  63. As you step forward with the left foot to a cat stance, place the palm of your right hand on the attacker’s shoulder and push their left shoulder forward while turning the left hand over to tan sau. Turn the attacker around by circling both hands counterclockwise; the left will circle vertically, the right horizontally. Bring right hand back towards attacker’s throat to a ridge hand choke, supporting attacker on your left elbow.
  64. Arch back and push up with your right hand, then drop both hands 45 to the right.

Left foot back to ready stance.

High Red Belt Curriculum (1st Gup)

High Red Belt Form


Start from open ready stance C.

1. Shift the balance to the left foot and pop forward to assume an X stance; turn your attention 90 degrees to the right, execute a twin knife hand guarding block.

2.  Unwind 270 degrees counterclockwise; step forward to a fighting stance with a 45-degree dropping knife hand strike.

2b. Half way through a change sides execute a reverse 45-degree dropping ridge hand.

3.  Step forward to a fighting stance with a 45-degree dropping knife hand strike.

3b. Half way through a change sides execute a reverse 45-degree dropping ridge hand.

4.  Step forward and assume a back stance, backfist.

5. Shift the front foot back to a fighting stance; simultaneously execute a reverse dropping ridge hand with a pass over.

5b. Half way through a change sides execute a left letter J; roll up the inside with the left hand; come out over the top with a high 45 degree forward palm block.

6. Step forward and assume a back stance, backfist.

7. Step backward to a chi sau stance, palm lifting block

8. Step backward to a chi sau stance, palm-lifting block.

9. Tuck the left leg behind the right knee to a crane stance; execute a right rising wrist strike with a reverse outside palm block simultaneously.

10. Dropping the left arm down and rotating the arm counterclockwise 360 degrees, step forward to a fighting stance.

10b. While continuing the shoulder rotation from step 10, grab attacker’s head and pull into a right dragon snap. Pivot 180 degrees clockwise to assume an X stance.

11. Turn your attention 90º to the right; step back with the left foot and assume a back stance, twin knife hand guarding block.

12. Step forward to assume a front stance and execute a rising block.

12b. Reverse rising uppercut to the chin (with a re-chamber).

12c. As you re-chamber, execute a half change sides with a beach ball. Allow the left hand to scoop from underneath and flatten to a horizontal beach ball.

12d.     As you move forward, execute a left clearing block (palm out).

13. Step forward to assume a back stance and execute an outside palm block.

14. Leaning far forward, bring the back leg up to a crane stance. Execute a backfist with a reverse palm block.

14b. Torque your body back and execute a wave stop with a horizontal wrist strike (maintain the position of the left hand).

15. Step back with the left leg to a back stance, twin knife hand guarding block.

16. Shift your attention 180 degrees to the left. Pull the left leg back to assume a chi sau stance with three points.

16b. Slide the fingers of the right hand down to the attacker’s wrist while reaching up with the left for their elbow. Catch the elbow with a half change sides.

17. Step forward with the right foot, crossing in front to assume an X stance. Execute a 360-degree palm strike to the groin.

18. Turn your attention 45 degrees to the right and execute a left spin snap crescent kick.

18b. Touch the foot down lightly while pivoting 360 degrees around for a turn side kick with the left leg. Step forward while pivoting 180 degrees to the right and assume a back stance while chambering for move (19.)

19. Immediately pull the right foot back to a crane stance, knife hand diamond block.

19b. Circle the left arm around in a scooping motion to catch the back of the attacker’s front kick (at the ankle). Pass this across and under the right side.

20. Circle the right arm around to catch inside the attacker’s knee. As you step forward to assume a front stance, extend your left arm to place your hand on the attacker’s left shoulder (slide your right hand from behind the knee down to the ankle on the right side).

21. Stretch kick with pointed toes; simultaneously pull the left hand down to your side.

21b. While you turn your attention 180 degrees to the left, circle the left arm from the shoulder counterclockwise and catch the attacker by the head; assume a chi sau stance and execute a right straight punch to a falling attacker’s upper lip.

22. Get up on the left toe and turn your hips 45º to the left; step with the left foot to a chi sau stance and reach down with the left hand; contact attacker’s elbow. Pull their elbow up and pass off to the right hand. Circle left hand down to catch their shoulder; simultaneously pick up your left foot and step deeper and drop to the right knee. Execute a right straight punch to the upper lip. KIHAP.

23. Turn your attention 180 degrees to the right. Circling through the shoulder, reach the right hand up with “drama” to grab (new) attacker’s head. As you stand up, execute a front leg targeted snapping inside crescent.

23b. Bounce your foot off the floor and immediately follow with a front snap kick.

24. Step forward and assume a fighting stance while grabbing attacker’s right arm with your left hand.

24b. Step forward to an X stance (cross in front) and execute a right 360º dropping vertical knife hand to the groin.

25. Re-chamber your right hand to the hip. Circling through the shoulder, reach around and grab the back of the attacker’s head. Simultaneously, pull the attacker around (by their head and right arm) 180 degrees to the left and drop back into a chi sau stance.

25b. Vertical knee strike (targeted). Step backward to a chi sau stance. As you step, bring the left hand around to slap the back of the right, transferring the squished head of the attacker into the left hand.

25c. Execute a targeted dragon snap to the already decimated skull of your attacker. Allow your right leg to circle almost 360 degrees counterclockwise. Turn your attention 180 degrees to the left; step backward to assume a chi sau stance with a right low clearing block (palm up).

26. Step forward to assume a chi sau stance and execute a reverse knife hand strike (O-I).

26b. Shifting your weight forward, execute a reverse knife hand down block.

26c. Shift your weight back to center and execute a knife hand strike.

26d. Continue to shift your weight backward and execute a reverse sliding tan sau.

27. Step forward to assume a chi sau stance and execute a reverse knife hand strike (O-I).

27b. Shifting your weight forward, execute a reverse knife hand down block.

27c. Shift your weight back to center and execute a knife hand strike.

27d. Continue to shift your weight backwards and execute a reverse sliding tan sau.

28. Maintain your attention forward, but turn your body 90 degrees to the right. Crossing the right foot behind, assume an X stance; circle the left hand counterclockwise around to capture the attacker’s elbow and execute a 360 degree palm strike to the groin.

29. Unwind 270 degrees counterclockwise executing a spin snap crescent.

29b. Touch the foot down lightly and come all the way around for a turn side kick with the right leg. Step forward while pivoting 180 degrees to the left and assume a back stance, chambered for move (30.).

30. Immediately pull the left foot back to a crane stance, knife hand diamond block.

31. Circle the right hand down to capture a front kick (at the ankle). Pass this across and under the left side.

32. As you step forward with the left foot to a fighting stance, circle the left arm around to catch inside the attacker’s knee.

33. Circle the right foot clockwise behind attacker’s standing leg to a chi sau stance. Place your right hand on their rear shoulder (maintain the position of your left hand) and pivot 135º to the left and assume a chi sau stance.

34. As you pivot 90 degrees to the left into a front stance, execute a right low clearing block (palm up); roll the left hand around to the back of the attacker’s ankle with an inverted left palm lifting block.

35. 315º spin axe kick to attacker’s head (on the ground; croquet style).

35b. Twist kick; step forward to a fighting stance.

36. Wave kick. Turn your attention 180 degrees to the left and step forward to a fighting stance.

37. 360º jump spin snap crescent kick. Turn your attention 180 degrees to the left and step forward while kneeling to the right knee, palm block (O-I) and reverse straight punch to the groin. KIHAP.

38. Turn your attention 180 degrees to the right. Stand up in a fighting stance with a 45-degree dropping knife hand strike.

38b. Half way through a change sides execute a reverse 45-degree dropping ridge hand.

39. Step forward to a fighting stance with a 45-degree dropping knife hand strike.

39b. Half way through a change sides execute a reverse 45-degree dropping ridge hand.

40. Step forward and assume a back stance, backfist.

41. Shift the front foot back to a fighting stance; simultaneously execute a reverse dropping ridge hand with a pass over.

41b. Half way through a change sides execute a right letter J; roll up the inside with the right hand; come out over the top with a high 45 degree forward palm block.

42. Step forward and assume a back stance, backfist.

43. Step backward to a chi sau stance, palm lifting block

44. Step backward to a chi sau stance, palm-lifting block.

45. Tuck the right leg behind the left knee to a crane stance; execute a left rising wrist strike with a reverse palm block (O-I) simultaneously.

46. Dropping the right arm down and rotating the arm from the shoulder counterclockwise 360 degrees, step forward to a fighting stance.

46b. While continuing the rotation from step 46, grab attacker’s head and pull into a left dragon snap. Allow the left leg to completely circle back around 360º clockwise to assume an X stance.

47. Unwind clockwise to a walking stance, twin knife hand guarding block.

48. Execute a 360º jump spin crescent kick. Pivot another 90 degrees clockwise; turn around and step forward while dropping to the left knee. Execute an outside palm block and a reverse straight punch to the groin. KIHAP.

49. Execute a right (outside) knife hand strike to the knee. Immediately follow this with a left sweeping block, pushing the attacker out of the way.

49b. Roll over the right shoulder (soft roll). As you stand up, execute a left side kick 180 degrees to the left.

49c. Turn your attention 180 degrees to the right and execute a left front snap kick to the chin.

50. Step backward to a back stance, low ridge hand sweeping block.

50b. Figure eight the right hand around for a low dropping upset ridge hand block.

50c. Circle the right hand up to catch the attacker’s elbow.

51. As you begin to move your left foot up to execute a wave stop, pass off the elbow to the left hand.

51b. Bring the right hand up the inside and execute a protected horizontal wrist strike to the temple.

Move back to ready stance by placing the left foot down into an X stance first; then move the right foot to finish.