Give Big is coming up on May 8th! Last year, your donations helped us expand our outreach for self-defense and community youth.

Self-Defense with Quantum

Self-defense classes focused on empowerment, which is a validating and confidence-building way to learn and includes verbal defense and physical drills. We provided free community classes each quarter and led several self-defense seminars across Seattle, notably at

  • Google
  • Recovery Café 
  • Peace for the Streets by Kids from the Streets
  • Rainier Valley Food Bank
  • Babley
  • Camp Ten Trees

Quarks and Junior Leaders

In 2018, we also began our Quarks program, martial arts for children ages 4 – 6. It is so inspiring to see the littlest martial artists succeed. In addition, the Quarks program has given our older kids opportunities to become Junior Leaders. Junior Leaders assist in class and even teach techniques to the younger children. These kids learn more about the techniques through teaching and develop their leadership and communication skills.

We Need Your Support

This is our third year taking part in this King County-wide donation bonanza. This year, your donation dollars will continue to support us in our efforts. We plan to develop a level two curriculum for self-defense and provide more classes to more kids, teens, and adults throughout Seattle. 

When you support Quantum Seattle, you build a community that reveals personal strength, interconnects diverse communities, and empowers youths and adults.

  • Boards for Test Board Breaks, $20
  • Uniforms, $50
  • Self-defense Gear, $75
  • 1 Month Youth Learner Scholarship, $88
  • 1 Month Adult Learner Scholarship, $100
  • 6 Month Adult Training Scholarship, $550
  • 1 year Youth Training Scholarship, $1056

Jude and Joelle Belt Test
Jude in fighting stance on left, Joelle side kick on right

By Joelle Prokupek

“Add a rear leg fake, front leg front kick to that and land in a back stance knife hand guarding block,” said Karri, Chief Instructor of Quantum Martial Arts.

I could feel the sweat dripping down my back as I listened to the string of techniques that she described too quickly to visualize or practice in my head. She shouted a kihap.

No time to worry about what I knew or didn’t. Luckily, my body knew what to do.

Belt tests are always fun like that. Jude Vesavrut, who was testing for their Blue Belt, and I tested for our belts on February 16. I was testing for my Green Belt, so I’ve participated in a handful of tests and watched a few since 2015.

Jude and Joelle, turning side kicks

This one was special for me because I’m also half way through my first pregnancy. However, this is nothing particularly special in Quantum. In fact, it’s almost a tradition.

You might be thinking, What?! You sparred and got punched while pregnant? Not at all. Quantum worked with me to keep me safe during the test. My sparring rounds were no contact, and I took particular care not to fall during any parts of the test.

That does not mean it was easy. The most surprising thing for me was that I was able to make it through about four hours of physical activity without much issue at all. I’ve been consistently told that exercising while pregnant is good, but I need to take it easy, to baby myself.

But nothing has really changed at all. Quantum taught me to listen to my body and to know my limits. Body awareness, beyond just hand-eye coordination, is an important focus in the curriculum. Yes, the goal is always to touch your toes during warm-ups, do that perfect back stance or round kick, or get a really low horse stance, but we modify our stretches, calisthenics, and techniques without shame and are still able to obtain intention and intensity.

We practice Quantum Martial Arts so that we know our bodies and can trust them. I can’t wait to pass this practice on to my son.

Quantum Martial Arts held a November 2018 belt test for its members. Congratulation to Tony, Eliza, Chris and Leah! What an amazing performance by everyone! Tony is the third ever second don black belt in our school. Eliza is our newest black belt. Chris with his amazing spirit becomes a blue belt. Leah will proudly wear her green belt.

Master Evans was in attendance to administer the test for Eliza and Tony’s black belt level drill and technique sections. It was a day full of fun and martial arts. Many of our members brought snacks to keep us going as the test ran from 11 am to 8 pm. 

All are welcome to attend and watch our belt tests. It’s a chance for Quantum members to show what they’ve learned. If you have a question about the next belt test, check the announcements or contact us with your question


Quantum Martial Arts Seattle was proud to work with Giddens School and Camp Ten Trees in our 2018 summer programs. We brought martial arts and self-defense to students and youth in our community. 

We taught a 5-day fun-packed day camp for 25 children ages 5-8 years old at Giddens School in Seattle’s Summer Blast CampThe kids enjoyed a Jedi day where they made their own lightsabers out of pool noodles. They moved creatively in animal movements day. And they learned about friendship and trust in ninja day, which was complete with costumes and an obstacle course. 


At Camp Ten Trees we taught 4 classes of martial arts and self-defense to 8-17 year-old youths who either identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and/or are youth from non-traditional families. The campers learned verbal drills to defend against known and unknown attackers. Then they practiced physical drills with shield and kick targets. At the end of each session, the campers were invited to break boards. What energy and enthusiasm!  rainbow tree 

Check out our ongoing youth and outreach programs to learn more. Do know of a group in your community that would benefit from martial arts, contact us today with your outreach ideas

GiveBig Now!

“I want to be a fighter. I want to protect myself and it is good for my body.”  –Walinja, 15-year-old resident of Mercy Housing apartment in Kent

There’s something crucial about a young female understanding her own empowerment. You can help girls and boys in the Appian Way Mercy Housing apartments learn confidence and body positive empowerment through martial arts by donating today. Just $75 dollars provides two children participating in the program with uniforms and belts so they can be a part of the Quantum family.

“I like it when I know how to do it.” — Janet, 8 years old

“I like doing basic form because I can practice and do it well.” — Anna, 13 years old

“It’s fun and it’s good exercise.” — Xaimen, 15 years old

You can support Quantum families to help parents and kids participate in an activity that will keep them close and inspire them to make the world a better place.

Please Donate! You are needed now, more than ever. 

Quantum offers scholarships to families in need and significant family discounts so that siblings and parents can find strength in training together.